Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sad Dad

I saw this fellow featured on Oprah. His name is Matt, and he became a single parent after his wife died of a pulmonary embolism. The day after their daughter was born. He had to take his brand new baby girl home, and deal with the loss of his wife at the same time. This is an amazing story and every post I read tonight made me cry. This man loves his wife so much. (I am using present tense as it is clear he will never stop loving her.) I kept that Oprah show on my PVR as on the episode, they said he was blogging about his day to day life raising Madeline. I re-watched it tonight and looked up his blog. It is beautiful and sad and hilarious. If you're interested, check it out HERE.

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Beware the few racy photos...thought it was worth it to see all the other ones!